WATCH ON-DEMAND | Mastering CLM Readiness for a Seamless Launch in 2025
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Amaya Farmer

What We Heard At Envision 2022

Another year, another user conference in the books! Envision 2022 was a great experience, and I’m glad to say we took away a lot of great insights and information from our Malbek community… and some great quotes! Here are three quotes we heard at Envision and what they mean to us:

“Don’t underestimate the value of incremental improvements” – Malbek Customer

This was brought up in a conversation about stakeholder buy-in, and it couldn’t be more true. It takes patience and persistence to help all internal stakeholders understand the value of a CLM. And often, the best way to do this is to show them how simple, easy, and headache-free our solution is firsthand. This sentiment is echoed outside of contract management too. Our keynote speaker, Bethaney Wilkinson, who focused on DEI and diverse leadership, said: “The idea that we’re going to get it right the first time is silly. It’s a risky adventure. Making small positive changes over time is what makes for success”.

“We are always looking for suggestions and recommendations. We want functionality that we can build WITH our customers so it is the best fit for your success.” – Matt Patel, COO

The best way to succeed is to listen to our customers and continue to build our solution to fit the needs of the community.  And at Malbek, we are driven by the mission to empower all business users to manage contracts seamlessly. Many of the features and functions on our product roadmap have been suggestions and recommendations from our community of customers and everyday users. So thank you Malbek customers for giving us feedback to grow on!

“Envision makes me want to publicize Malbek from the rafters – you’re not just an end user – you are a partner with Malbek and we are all in this together.” – Malbek Customer

We love this because this quote is the essence of what Envision is all about. We build the Malbek community and make all our customers feel like they belong, they are heard, and they are welcome. We go beyond vendor- we are a partner in our customer’s current and future success and growth.

Thank you to all who came this year, and we can’t wait to have you again next year!