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Welcome to Our New Office

Malbek has reached a new milestone in our growth. After years of being remote, we have opened a new headquarters in Princeton, NJ.  And let me tell you, it’s nice to finally be back in office with the flexibility to work from home. There are a few things that aren’t the same over a Zoom call: the creative meetings, the coffee and snacks, throwing a dart over to a fellow Malbekian, and the actual socialization (which is much needed after two years of a pandemic ). 

Even though I will miss my ten-step commute to my home office in my PJs, I am excited to go to a fun and collaborative work space and be with my local-area team again. Here are a few fun facts about our new office:

We plan to have fun

Like so many other start-ups, we know that there is nothing worse than a grey office that has fax machines instead of a personality and a soul. I knew that before even starting to look for a new office, I wanted to ensure that I avoided a matrix-like feel. We wanted it to be bright, fun, and colorful – and I think we did just that!

From our custom murals to our foosball table and shuffle board with vibrant furniture, our office is made to be a fun and creative space that people actually want to be at. And much like how our company has a whimsical, exciting personality, our office has one too! If you’re curious as to what it’s like at our new office, check out this office tour we made for Tik Tok:


We often say that Malbek is one of the most modern CLM solutions available, and that we are built to solve modern contracting problems. However, there is one modern problem that we can not solve alone: climate change and the climate crisis that the globe is facing today. In response, we have decided to make our office as environmentally friendly and sustainable as possible.  We also chose a LEED certified building for this reason.

One of the main ways we are making an effort to be environmentally conscious is to be as plastic free as possible. This means we have ditched whiteboards (which are toxic to begin with) and their plastic markers for environmentally safe blackboards and environmentally-safe chalk. We have also decided to forgo all plastic in our office kitchen. This means no disposable plates, cups, or utensils, having refillable soap dispensers (that are refilled from soaps and detergents that are non-toxic and available in paper packaging), and using compostable trash bags. We are also using compostable, cellulose-based sponges to clean our mugs and plates after we use them. 

Here is the plastic-free pyramid that we operate on:

Plastic pyramid (2)

We plan to Stay Hybrid

Let’s face it, going into an office every day isn’t always great. Gas is not cheap, and commuting takes up time from our busy schedules which can be exhausting. That’s why we have decided that our NJ Malbek team will have a hybrid schedule.  It strikes a perfect balance to collaborate in person which will help us to be our most creative and vibrant selves while we maintain the productivity of working from home and the flexibility it offers. It’s the best of both worlds!

 We are so proud of our new office, and we added a personal touch to it.  Our team members painted a blackboard wall one day, brought in amazing plants to freshen things up, installed or assembled office accessories, and much more!  This is a great milestone in our continued growth and looking forward to what’s ahead.

If you’d like more information on our office opening, please read our press release.

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