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Taeler Gannuscia

Envision 2021: 3 Takeaways From My Chat With Anna Lozynski

Here’s a recap of our Envision keynote speaker -former GC of L’Oréal and author- Anna Lozynski where we asked her about her tips and thoughts on Legal Tech

Alice Alfano

4 Common Types of Contracts

Understand 4 common different types of contracts including NDA, MSA, order form, and buy-side contracts.

Hemanth Puttaswamy

A Malbek Milestone: Our Series A Funding Round

We are proud to announce that we closed 15.3 million in series A funding! This is truly a new milestone

Alice Alfano

The Attendee’s Guide to Envision 2021

Envision 2021 survival guide for all attendees

Taeler Gannuscia

Key Takeaways: Legal Vs. Business Systems

Here are a few takeaways from our webinar with Legal Operators. As it turns out, Legal and Business Systems CAN see eye to eye with a little work!

Becky Holloway

Black Widow and Contract Risk Management

Learn how Scarlett Johansson’s lawsuit against Marvel Entertainment and Disney highlights the importance of contract risk management for your company.

Alice Alfano

5 Essential Contract Management Tools and Features

Understand these five essential contract management tools and features that every CLM solution should offer.

Becky Holloway

5 Key Contract Management Practices for the Procurement Department

In procurement, the following 5 contract management strategies are key to streamline drafting, tracking, legal review, supplier compliance.

Gary Zuder

How Malbek Seamlessly Integrates With Salesforce

Learn how Salesforce seamlessly integrates with Malbek’s CLM solution making contract management easier for sales teams.