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Richard Colie

10 Things Every CFO Needs to Know About CLM: The Unmistakable ROI of CLM

For CFOs, embracing a robust CLM system is a strategic move with undeniable ROI. It’s about safeguarding revenues, preventing losses, and propelling the organization towards sustainable success.

Colin Levy

The Future of the General Counsel is Being Written by Technology

General Counsel are expected to be business leaders and strategic partners. They must use technology and data to make informed decisions and mitigate risk.

Ed Breault

Beyond Simple Storage: The Imperative Shift to Contract Lifecycle Management

The evolving demands of the modern business environment necessitate a move toward more sophisticated solutions like contract lifecycle management.

Lizzy Painter

Making the Switch: Navigating CLM Implementations and Legacy Contract Migration

This post outlines the intricacies of contract migration, insights, and best practices that will make CLM implementations and data migration successful.

Ed Breault

The 4 Vs of Contract Management: Volume, Variety, Velocity, and Veracity

Complex contracts need an effective and efficient contract management process. Enter the concept of the 4 Vs of Contract Management: Volume, Variety, Velocity, and Veracity.

Ed Breault

Contracts: The Ultimate Digital Asset

Here Ed Breault discusses why contracts deserve the title as the ultimate digital asset, defining boundaries and aspiration of modern business.

Allison Caggia

Contract Risk Management: 3 Fundamental Shifts To Improve Your Business Agreements

Understand what contract risk management is, three types of risk in contract management and how to mitigate contract risk here.

Colin Levy

6 Components of Contracts: The Essential Elements of Enforcement

From offer to legality, learn the six essential elements of a contract to make sure your agreement it’s legally valid and enforceable. Read more…

Allison Caggia

Strengthening Your Supply Chain: Optimizing Vendor Relationships for Strategic Procurement

Here we explore major challenges procurement faces and strategies that help optimize supplier relationships leveraging CLM software.

Top Voices in CLM & AI

Explore insights from our leading thought leaders, shaping the future of contract lifecycle management and AI innovation.