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Ed Breault

7 Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Best Practices

Contracts are the foundation of business. They define every dollar coming in and going out of your organization. Yet for many companies, contract management remains a cumbersome, disjointed process that exposes them to unnecessary risk, delays, and value leakage.

Implementing contract lifecycle management best practices is critical to overcoming these challenges and transforming contracts into a strategic advantage. Effective contract management strategies enable your business to accelerate deal velocity, ensure compliance, control costs, and unlock the full value of your commercial relationships.

Whether you’re a seasoned contract manager looking to optimize your existing processes or a business leader exploring how a CLM solution can benefit your organization, knowing what contract lifecycle management best practices will put you on the path to more efficient, effective, and impactful contract management. Let’s get started.

1. Centralize Contracts in a Cloud Repository

With a centralized cloud repository, your team always knows where to find the most up-to-date version of every contract. This single source of truth makes it easy to quickly search, access, and report on your agreements. No more wasted time hunting down misplaced files or working off outdated copies.

Centralizing your contracts also enhances control and compliance. You can apply standardized taxonomies, naming conventions, and metadata to keep your repository organized as it scales. Granular access controls and permissions ensure that only authorized users can view or edit sensitive contracts. Automatic version tracking maintains a complete audit trail of every action taken throughout the contract lifecycle.

From a big-picture perspective, a centralized repository provides the foundation for contract analytics and insights. With all your agreements in one place, you can more easily analyze contract data to identify risks, spot opportunities, and make data-driven decisions.

Key features to look for in a contract repository

When evaluating solutions for centralizing your contracts, there are several key capabilities to look for:

By centralizing your contracts in a purpose-built repository with these capabilities, you’ll gain a strong foundation for more advanced contract administration best practices across the agreement lifecycle.

2. Standardize Contract Creation with Templates and Clause Libraries

Standardizing contract authoring with pre-approved templates and clause libraries is a crucial CLM best practice. This approach allows teams to quickly generate consistent, compliant agreements while minimizing legal review and negotiation cycles.

Building an Effective Contract Template Library

A well-established contract template library provides a solid starting point for efficient contract authoring. Successful templates encapsulate your organization’s contracting standards, preferred language, and negotiation positions. They reduce contracting bottlenecks and ensure that agreements adhere to internal policies and regulatory requirements.

To build a robust template library, start by assessing your existing contracts and identifying frequently used agreement types, such as NDAs, MSAs, and SoWs. Engage stakeholders from legal, sales, procurement, and other functions to align on the required template variations for each contract type based on factors like region, product, customer tier, or risk profile.

When drafting your templates, use a modular structure with clearly labeled sections, headings, and placeholders for custom content. Embed guidance in the form of tooltips, dropdown menus, and help text to steer users towards approved language and minimize deviations. Design your templates to be easy to read and navigate, with consistent formatting, typography, and branding.

As you roll out each template, provide training and contract management examples to help users understand how to properly populate and customize the template for different scenarios. Establish a regular cadence to review and update your templates based on user feedback, evolving business needs, and regulatory changes. In addition to efficiency and compliance benefits, standardized templates can also help reduce the risk of disputes by ensuring consistent language and clauses across all agreements.

How to Maintain and Optimize your Clause Library over Time

A clause library is a database of pre-approved legal language that can be dynamically inserted into contract templates. Clause libraries enable a modular, mix-and-match approach to contract assembly, allowing business users to create tailored agreements without deviating from approved language.

To maintain an effective clause library, start by breaking down your contract templates into discrete clauses and variations. Develop a clear taxonomy and metadata schema to tag and categorize each clause by criteria such as clause type, risk level, jurisdiction, and approver. Integrate your clause library into your contract authoring workflow, with intuitive search and filtering capabilities to help users quickly find and insert relevant clauses.

Over time, you’ll want to continuously optimize your clause library based on real-world usage data and negotiation outcomes. Use contract management software to track which clauses are most frequently used, accepted, and modified during negotiations. Identify clauses that consistently slow down deals or create friction with counterparties. Work with stakeholders to refine clause language and variations to better align with market positions and reduce negotiation cycles.

Establish a formal clause approval process and governance framework to control changes to your clause library. Implement version control and access controls to ensure that only authorized individuals can create, modify, or retire clauses. Regularly review and update your clause library to keep pace with evolving regulations, industry standards, and court rulings.

3. Establish Clear Contract Ownership and Collaboration Workflows

While specific roles may vary by organization, several key positions and responsibilities are critical to successful contract management:

Contract Collaboration Across Teams and Departments

A critical first step is to map out your end-to-end contract lifecycle and identify the key handoff points between teams. Use this to develop clear process flows and delineate responsibilities for each stage, from intake through approval, execution, and post-signature management.

CLM solutions enable you to digitize and automate these workflows, with configurable tasks, reminders, and approval chains. This ensures a consistent, repeatable contracting process and provides visibility into bottlenecks or delays.

Collaborative authoring and negotiation capabilities are also essential for seamless coordination between teams. Look for CLM features like real-time redlining, contextual comments, and side-by-side version comparisons to streamline the iterative process of drafting and refining agreements.

To keep stakeholders informed, implement automated alerts and notifications triggered by key contract events, such as approaching deadlines or milestones. Advanced CLM platforms also offer integrated contract dashboards that provide a centralized view of all contract-related communications, tasks, and statuses. These dashboards give stakeholders a single source of truth for contract information and help streamline collaboration. In addition, tailored contract dashboards for each role provide at-a-glance visibility into the status and health of their agreement portfolio.

Finally, don’t overlook the importance of capturing and sharing contracting knowledge across the organization. Encourage teams to document best practices, FAQs, and lessons learned in a centralized knowledge base or wiki. Implement formal training and informal learning opportunities to continuously enhance contracting competencies. Clear and efficient communication channels, such as in-app messaging or integrated email notifications, are also critical for keeping all stakeholders aligned throughout the approval process.

4. Automate Manual Contract Management Tasks

Many aspects of the contract lifecycle lend themselves well to automation. Some key processes to target include:

AI and Smart Automation

AI algorithms can automatically classify and extract key metadata, clauses, and obligations from contracts using natural language processing (NLP) and optical character recognition (OCR). This enables more granular search, reporting, and compliance monitoring without manual data entry.

AI can also identify patterns and anomalies across large contract portfolios, flagging areas of risk or opportunity. Predictive analytics can help forecast revenue, costs, and other key contract metrics based on historical performance.

Smart automation tools allow business users to rapidly configure rules-based contract workflows without coding. Using intuitive decision trees and drag-and-drop editors, teams can automate complex agreement processes that span multiple departments and systems.

Effective CLM solutions offer AI-assisted contract review and negotiation, using ML models to suggest optimal clause language and negotiation positions based on similar agreements. This accelerates deal cycles while reducing risk.

Amendment management is another area where AI and automation are driving significant improvements. While many legacy CLM systems have limited amendment support, next-generation solutions are using AI to enable powerful bulk amendment, mass update, and 360-degree contract view capabilities. These features are especially critical in heavily regulated industries like life sciences, where efficient amendment management is a top priority.

AI-powered multi-language support is also becoming a key differentiator. AI can also be used to automatically categorize contracts by type, such as NDAs, MSAs, or SaaS agreements, or by risk level based on predefined criteria. This enables contract managers to quickly prioritize their review and identify any anomalies or deviations from standard terms.

Advanced CLM solutions can not only localize the user interface into multiple languages but also provide automated translation of contract documents and metadata. This helps multinational contract teams collaborate more effectively and ensures that language barriers don’t slow down contracting processes.

5. Closely Track Contract Obligations and Milestones

The first step in effective obligation management starts with well-structured contracts. When drafting agreements, be sure to clearly define all deliverables, due dates, acceptance criteria, and payment triggers. Use specific, measurable language to minimize ambiguity.

Consider creating a deliverables exhibit or schedule that summarizes all time-sensitive obligations in a scannable table format. Specify who is responsible for each commitment and the consequences of non-fulfillment.

For complex agreements, consider breaking up deliverables into distinct phases or milestones, each with its acceptance process and payment schedule. This makes it easier to track progress and identify issues incrementally.

Be explicit about renewal and expiration terms, notice periods, and any auto-renewal provisions. Clearly defined “out” clauses help prevent unwanted obligation extensions.

Using CLM Software to Track and Manage Contract Milestones

Once an agreement is executed, CLM software provides invaluable tools for tracking and managing obligations at scale. Start by capturing all deliverables, milestones, and key dates during the contract intake process. Many CLM solutions can automatically extract these data points from the agreement.

Next, set up automated alerts and notifications to remind stakeholders of approaching deadlines. Configure these alerts with sufficient lead time to complete any required reviews, approvals, or fulfillment steps.

As obligations are completed, stakeholders are to mark them as fulfilled within the CLM system. This creates a reliable audit trail and ensures that no commitments slip through the cracks.

Finally, use the CLM’s reporting and dashboard capabilities to monitor the status of obligations across your contract portfolio. Set up views by department, owner, customer, or vendor to quickly identify past-due items and at-risk agreements.

6. Implement Contract Approval and Execution Workflows

Designing an effective contract approval workflow starts with mapping out all required approvers and decision points. Engage stakeholders from legal, finance, procurement, sales, and other impacted functions to align on approval policies and thresholds.

Look for opportunities to streamline approvals through tiered thresholds and parallel routing. For example, low-risk contracts under a certain value might bypass legal review, while high-value deals require senior executive sign-off.

Where possible, set up concurrent approvals to avoid linear bottlenecks. If finance and legal can review a contract simultaneously, it saves valuable time compared to sequential routing.

Use your CLM system to configure approval workflows with automated stage triggers, reminders, and escalations. The goal is to make approvals as simple as possible for each reviewer while maintaining a complete audit trail.

Electronic Signatures

Once a contract is fully approved, e-signature capabilities enable rapid execution with just a few clicks. 

First, choose an e-signature solution that complies with all relevant e-sign laws and authentication standards, such as ESIGN, UETA, and eIDAS. Many CLM platforms offer natively integrated e-signature capabilities for a seamless experience.

Make sure your e-signature process captures all key signer authentication details, such as email address, IP address, and timestamp, to ensure non-repudiation. Some solutions even offer biometric authentication options for added security.

When preparing a document for signature, use visual cues like signature tags and “sign here” fields to clearly indicate all required signer actions. Specify whether signatures should be routed sequentially or in parallel.

Finally, set up automatic notifications to alert signers when a document is ready for signature and to confirm successful execution. Once signed, automatically store the executed agreement and signature audit trail in your central CLM repository.

7. Monitor and Report on Contract Performance

To effectively monitor contract performance, start by defining the key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that align with your business objectives. Some common contract KPIs include:

How to Demonstrate ROI

With a robust CLM system, you can automatically capture and report on these KPIs across your full contract portfolio. Use this data to establish performance benchmarks and track progress over time.

For example, by measuring average cycle times before and after implementing a CLM system, you can quantify the efficiency gains and time savings achieved. Similarly, by tracking negotiation win rates, you can demonstrate how your team’s efforts are directly impacting revenue and risk mitigation.

Advanced CLM analytics tools even allow you to benchmark your performance against industry peers and market trends. This provides valuable context for evaluating your contract management maturity and identifying areas for improvement.

To demonstrate the ROI of your CLM program, consider metrics like the number of contracts processed per headcount, the percentage of contracts that generate revenue or savings, and the avoidance of costs associated with missed renewals, compliance violations, or disputes. 

Advanced contract analytics can also enable predictive insights by identifying patterns and trends across your contract portfolio. This can help you forecast revenue, optimize pricing strategies, and proactively mitigate risks.


By applying contract management best practices, like centralizing agreements in a secure repository, standardizing language, automating workflows, and leveraging AI-powered analytics, organizations can turn their contracts into a source of competitive advantage.

The benefits of effective contract lifecycle management are clear: accelerated deal velocity, reduced risk exposure, improved compliance, and stronger commercial relationships. With the right CLM software and processes in place, legal teams can evolve from administrative cost centers to strategic business partners.